Challenges for Indoor and Outdoor Mobility Assistance

Konferenz: Technik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben - 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress
24.01.2011 - 25.01.2012 in Berlin

Tagungsband: Technik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Krieg-Brückner, Bernd; Gersdorf, Bernd; Röfer, Thomas; Stahl, Christoph (DFKI, Bremen, Germany)
Crombie, David (Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Jüptner, Alexander (Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Berne, Germany)
Lawo, Michael (neusta mobile solutions, Bremen, Germany)
Mandel, Christian (Universität Bremen, Germany)
Martínez, Antonio B. (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)

The state of the art of AAL mobility assistance and challenges for future development are described. Smart navigation assistants for various mobility platforms, such as walkers, wheelchairs or tricycles, shall provide seamless transition from indoors to outdoors. The aim is to compensate for age-related decline of capabilities by physical mobility assistance for declining walking capabilities, safety assistance by obstacle avoidance, cognitive assistance for declining visual and mental capabilities by orientation and navigational aids, and security assistance in emergency situations.