Fundamental Frequency Discrimination in Cochlear Implants
Conference: Sprachkommunikation 2006 - ITG-Fachtagung
04/26/2006 - 04/28/2006 at Kiel, Germany
Proceedings: Sprachkommunikation 2006
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Dijk, Bas van (Cochlear Technology Centre Europe, Mechelen, Belgium)
Wouters, Jan; Laneau, Johan; Moonen, Marc (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
Fundamental frequency discrimination in cochlear implants is poor, affecting music appreciation, tonal language intelligibility and speech in noise perception. In this study we propose a new coding strategy that implements an explicit coding of the fundamental frequency by extracting the fundamental frequency from the voiced sounds in the signal and modulating all filterbank outputs with a sine at the fundamental frequency. First clinical results are presented and discussed. Fundamental frequency discrimination with the new scheme is significantly better than with the clinically used ACE(TM) strategy.