Flight Segment Microwave Link Antennas for Transmission of Ultra-stable Time Signals

Conference: INICA 2007 - International ITG-Conference on Antennas
03/28/2007 - 03/30/2007 at Munich, Germany

Proceedings: INICA 2007

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Hartwanger, Christian; Gehring, Ralf; Hong, UnPyo; Wolf, Helmut (EADS Astrium, D-81663 Munich, Germany)
Hess, Marc-Peter; Kehrer, Johannes; Seidel, Achim (EADS Astrium, D-88090 Immenstaad, Germany)

The paper is subject to the design and RF test of microwave link antennas which must provide very low phase variation of the radiation pattern over a nearly hemi-spherical field of view.