Tracking and Tracing in Production Scenarios with passive RFID Transponders
Conference: RFID SysTech 2007 - 3rd European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies
06/12/2007 - 06/13/2007 at Duisburg, Germany
Proceedings: RFID SysTech 2007
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Gorldt, Christian; Uckelmann, Dieter; Hinrichs, Uwe; Tervo, Jan Topi (Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science (BIBA) at the University of Bremen, Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen, Germany)
The paper will show new ideas of RFID and real time location systems (RTLS) for production scenarios, e.g. aviation industry and automotive industry. To evaluate different systems of tracking, tracing and identification, it is necessary to design new comparable test approaches. While radio frequency based identification has gained wide acceptance in the market the use of RF-technologies for real-time location is still limited to certain branchspecific approaches, such as in hospitals, car yards or container terminals. One reason for this missing dissemination may be seen in the high costs for the infrastructure since traditionally active transponders or ultra-sound systems are used for real-time location, requiring expensive asset tags and an extensive network of base-stations.