SiC JFET for high temperature power switches

Conference: CIPS 2008 - 5th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/11/2008 - 03/13/2008 at Nuremberg, Germany

Proceedings: CIPS 2008

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Bergogne, Dominique; Tournier, Dominique; Mousa, Rami; Koor, Mohsen Shafiee; Planson, Dominique; Morel, Hervé; Allard, Bruno (AMPERE, INSA-Lyon, F-69621, France)

SiC pushes the temperature barrier of semiconductors upwards, clearly over 300deg C. JFET are available as engineering samples from SiCED. This paper present the characterisation of such devices: gate behavior, power losses. A demonstrator inverter leg is experimented switching 15A under 540V cooled at 250deg C.