Stochastical Frequency List Generation for Inter-Intermodulation Free Allocation of Professional Wireless Microphone Systems
Conference: GeMiC 2009 - German Microwave Conference
03/16/2009 - 03/18/2009 at München, Germany
Proceedings: GeMiC 2009
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Dortmund, Sven; Rolfes, Ilona (Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Funksysteme, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany)
This paper presents a stochastical frequency list generation for inter-intermodulation free allocation of Professional Wireless Microphone Systems (PWMS). Commonly, a PWMS frequency arrangement within a fixed frontend bandwidth is generated from precalculated frequency lists with or without respect to the presently measurable frequency occupancy. The stochastical frequency list generation presented here is less time-consuming than traditional algorithms for precalculated frequency lists which are not suitable for a portable usage.