Accurate Solution of Helical Antenna as Benchmark for Validation of Thin-Wire Modelling
Conference: EuCAP 2009 - 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
03/23/2009 - 03/27/2009 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: EuCAP 2009
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Ponjavic, Svetislav T.; Kolundžija, Branko M. (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia)
In this paper, an accurate plate model of helical antenna is developed using WIPL-D Pro, a full wave 3D EM software. Realistic coaxial cable feed below PEC plane is used. All effects resulting from geometry and the principle of work for this type of antenna are fully taken into account, including proximity effect of helical turns and higher order propagation modes at coaxial cable aperture. Thus, all simulation results of this model can be taken as very accurate, since this is confirmed by rigorous convergence tests. By comparing of these results with results of a wire model of helical antenna, limits and applicability of using wire model are precisely determined and explained.