Dual Polarization Microstrip Patch Array Antenna for WLAN Application
Conference: EuCAP 2009 - 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
03/23/2009 - 03/27/2009 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: EuCAP 2009
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Shah, M. S. R Mohd; Suaidi, M. K.; Aziz, M. Z. A Abdul; Kadir, M. F. Abd. (Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, Ayer keroh, 75450, Melaka, Malaysia)
Rahim, M. K. A (Radio Communication engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 Skudai, Malaysia)
This paper present design of array antenna of the type inset-fed microstrip patch antenna oriented at 45deg and -45deg. The antennas are capable to generate dual-polarization radiation pattern oriented at desired locations. The designs were simulated Microwave Studio CST. These antennas were fabricated on FR4 board (ε r=4.9, tan σ =0.019 and thickness =1.6mm). The simulation and measurement results were compared. The designs of 1x2, 1x4 and 2x2 array antennas yield a bandwidth of 4.5%, return loss =10dB. The gain of the single element antenna almost 4.21 dBi, and the gain of 1x2 arrays is 5.33 dBi. By designing more patches, the enhancement of gain achieved were 8.734 dBi and 7.944 dBi, respectively.