Human Head Electromagnetic Scattering
Conference: EuCAP 2009 - 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
03/23/2009 - 03/27/2009 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: EuCAP 2009
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Garcia-Fernandez, Miguel A.; Sanchez-Hernandez, David A. (Microwave, Radiocommunications and Electromagnetism Engineering Group (GIMRE), Technical University of Cartagena, Antiguo Cuartel de Antigones, Plaza del Hospital, 1, 30202, Cartagena, Spain)
Valenzuela-Valdes, Juan F. (EMITE Ing., Edificio CEEIM, Campus Espinardo, 30100, Murcia, Spain)
The rationale for deriving basic restrictions to electromagnetic field exposure and their associated safety margins is not fully standardized and diverse values are employed depending upon the thermal effect being considered. With the recent capabilities of modern computers, hybrid Maxwell’s and heat-transfer equations have been solved for the human exposure to electromagnetic field problem. In this contribution, a human head is exposed to 125 mW of power at 1800 MHz (corresponding to a GSM-Power Class 1, divided by 8 slots of time). Peak SAR values along a coronal plane containing the Ear Reference Point, and its effects on temperature increase, have been observed. A matching effect and the skull being a protection for thermal stress due to intense electromagnetic field exposure have been confirmed, validating previous studies suggesting that a combined electromagnetic-thermal basic restrictions would represent more accurate safety limits, reducing the uncertainties for deriving the reference levels.