Bandwidth-On-Demand Ultra Dense WDM Access (1.25/2.5 Gb/s x N-ch) Employing Time-Domain Interleaved Wavelength-Swept Transmitter
Conference: ECOC 2009 - 35th European Conference on Optical Communication
09/20/2009 - 09/24/2009 at Vienna, Austria
Proceedings: ECOC 2009
Pages: 2Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Taniguchi, Tomohiro; Sakurai, Naoya; Kimura, Hideaki; Kumozaki, Kiyomi (NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, NTT Corporation, 1-6 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 261-0023 Japan)
To realize a flexible WDM signal format, the dynamic control of channel number and data rate is proposed. A total rate of more than 10 Gb/s with ultra-dense spacing (< 10 GHz) is demonstrated experimentally.