Mechanical Characterization of an Au-Ge Solder Alloy for High Temperature Electronic Devices
Conference: CIPS 2010 - 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/16/2010 - 03/18/2010 at Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: CIPS 2010
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Msolli, Sabeur; Dalverny, Olivier; Alexis, Joel; Karama, Moussa (Université de Toulouse, INP/ENIT, LGP, Tarbes, France)
This paper presents a description of the mechanical behaviour of an Au-Ge solder under various loading conditions as well as an elastoviscoplastic modelling. In order to achieve the modelling task, the solder is subjected to a set of shear, creep and fatigue loadings in order to determine the behaviour dependence to the temperature and displacement rate and which could be useful to evaluate the degradation of the material. These tests are realized under a wide range of temperatures, loads and displacement rates for modelling purposes. Then, a unified viscoplastic model is applied to predict correctly the material mechanical responses. The model is correlated with the experimental data.