A Block Device Driver for Parallel and Fault-tolerant Storage
Conference: ARCS 2010 - 23th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
02/22/2010 - 02/23/2010 at Hannover, Germany
Proceedings: ARCS 2010
Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Frahm, Olof-Joachim; Sobe, Peter (University of Lübeck, Institute of Computer Engineering, Germany)
Cauchy-Reed/Solomon is an XOR-based erasure-tolerant coding scheme which is widely used for reliable distributed storage and fault-tolerant memory. A variety of different codes can be specified, depending on the number of parallel operating storage resources and the desired strength of fault tolerance. First we present an approach to parameterize the codes for different systems and requirements, such as the desired parallelism and reliability. Based on this parameterization, a Linux block device driver was developed which is evaluated in this paper.