Emergency Indoor and Outdoor User Localization
Conference: Ambient Assisted Living - AAL - 4. Deutscher Kongress: Demographischer Wandel - Assistenzsysteme aus der Forschung in den Markt
01/25/2011 - 01/26/2011 at Berlin
Proceedings: Ambient Assisted Living - AAL
Pages: 10Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Kruppa, Michael (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Within the context of the automatic detection of a medical emergency and the aim of providing medical care as fast as possible, it is of utmost importance to detect the current position of the patient. The more precisely the patient location can be determined and the more effectively the paramedics are guided towards the patients current location, the less time is wasted prior to the initial medical care provided to the patient after the emergency has occurred. This paper describes a first, prototypical realization of a combined indoor and outdoor user localization component developed within the Smart Senior project. Apart from a detailed description of the technical background of the realized component, an important aspect discussed in this paper is the distinction between the two different concepts of "locating a user" and "finding a user".