A Smart ISO 18000-6C RFID Sensor Tag Platform
Conference: RFID SysTech 2011 - 7th European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications
05/17/2011 - 05/18/2011 at Dresden, Germany
Proceedings: RFID SysTech 2011
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hildebrandt, Ralf; Heiß, Michael; Gay, Nicolas (Fraunhofer IPMS, 01109 Dresden, Germany)
Combining RFID and sensors leads to a wide field of possible applications. To address many of them while reducing the development cycle for individual specialized systems a flexible RFID sensor tag platform was developed. A solution based on a small integrated microcontroller and the RFID tag memory as data interface will be presented in this paper.