Smart RFID Sensing and Data Logging
Conference: RFID SysTech 2011 - 7th European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications
05/17/2011 - 05/18/2011 at Dresden, Germany
Proceedings: RFID SysTech 2011
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Schubert, Stefan (IC Design, PE GmbH, Kesselsdorf/Dresden, Germany)
The quality of the food chain becomes more and more important for the western world. High cost goods travel around the world, being not always treated as recommended. Insurance companies pay a fortune on destroyed goods. Low cost and highly reliable logistics supervision becomes more important for us. The RFID Tag chips of Productivity Engineering GmbH provide the foundation for numerous new highly integrated thus small RFID sensing systems. These systems can operate at two standard RFID frequencies, HF and UHF. Two ICs will be presented. Both are unique in their functionality although they are completely compliant to their respective basic RFID standards. Systems using these ICs can accumulate all kinds of environmental data. Some examples will be described in the paper.