Foliage Attenuation Measurements Using Multi-Frequency Airborne SAR
Conference: EUSAR 2012 - 9th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
04/23/2012 - 04/26/2012 at Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: EUSAR 2012
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Dostovalov, Mikhail; Ermakov, Roman; Moussiniants, Tomas (Research Institute of Precise Instruments, Moscow, Russia)
The paper presents some results obtained by multi frequency SAR “COMPACT” system. Today it was upgraded for simultaneous work of four bands (X, L, P, VHF) on board of the helicopter platform. Several foliage attenuation measurement experiments were carried out using SAR “COMPACT”. During the experiments a line of corner reflectors was placed in an area of radar shadow behind the forest edge. The difference in backscattering signals of reflectors (compared with the same ones, located in the open area) was estimated and compared with the path length of signal propagation through the forest. As a result, backscatter attenuation levels for 1 meter propagation through the forest were calculated for different bands, observation angles and polarizations. The results of two experiments (first for L band and the second for X, L, P and VHF bands) are presented and described.