Coherent Surface Clutter Suppression Techniques with Topography Estimation for Multi-Phase-Center Radar Ice Sounding
Conference: EUSAR 2012 - 9th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
04/23/2012 - 04/26/2012 at Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: EUSAR 2012
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Nielsen, Ulrik; Dall, Jørgen; Kristensen, Steen Savstrup; Kusk, Anders (Technical University of Denmark (DTU) – Ørsteds Plads, Building 348, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)
Radar ice sounding enables measurement of the thickness and internal structures of the large ice sheets on Earth. Surface clutter masking the signal of interest is a major obstacle in ice sounding. Algorithms for surface clutter suppression based on multi-phase-center radars are presented. These algorithms incorporate estimation of the required topographical information, thereby making the processing independent of such external data. The algorithms are applied to data collected by ESA’s POLarimetric Airborne Radar Ice Sounder (POLARIS) over Antarctica in February 2011.