Evaluation of silver-sintering die attach
Conference: CIPS 2012 - 7th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/06/2012 - 03/08/2012 at Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: CIPS 2012
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Sabbah, W.; Meuret, R. (Hispano-Suiza, Safran Group, Réau, France)
Sabbah, W.; Azzopardi, S.; Woirgard, E. (Université de Bordeaux, IMS, UMR5218, 33400 Talence, France)
Sabbah, W.; Riva, R.; Hascoët, S.; Buttay, C.; Planson, D.; Allard, B. (Université de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, Laboratoire Ampère, UMR 5005, 69621, France)
Silver sintering die attach is a promising technology for high temperature power electronics packaging. In this paper, we evaluate its performances in terms of thermal resistance and high temperature stability. The thermal resistance is measured on test vehicles assembled under different conditions, using silver pastes from NBETech and Heraeus, with different process parameters. The stability test is performed by storing samples at an elevated temperature (300 °C) in air, with a strong voltage bias (1100 V) for several hours.