Efficient Monitoring of Process Plants by Telepresence and Attention Guidance

Conference: ROBOTIK 2012 - 7th German Conference on Robotics
05/21/2012 - 05/22/2012 at Munich, Germany

Proceedings: ROBOTIK 2012

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Connette, Christian; Arbeiter, Georg; Meßmer, Felix; Hägele, Martin; Verl, Alexander (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufactuiring Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart, Germany)
Notheis, Simon; Mende, Michael; Hein, Björn; Wörn, Heinz (Institute for Process Control and Robotics (IPR), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)

While nowadays inspection and maintenance is mainly performed manually, the deployment of mobile robot systems could reduce the necessary resources for these tasks in the future. Within this paper major hindrances and possible remedies for the deployment of teleoperated mobile robots in industrial environments are discussed. Specifically, concepts for the seamless integration of mobile robots into industrial infrastructures, for intuitive feedback and commanding of such robots as well as advanced user-interfaces are elaborated. It is discussed in how far this multi-modal approach promises to significantly improve the usability of teleoperated robots for industrial applications.