Implantable RFID sensor platform to monitor vital functions of small animals controlled by network based software

Conference: Smart SysTech 2012 - European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies
06/12/2012 - 06/13/2012 at Osnabrück, Deutschland

Proceedings: Smart SysTech 2012

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Volk, T.; Jansen, D. (IAF, Offenburg, Germany)

Remote measurement of the physiology, so-called biotelemetry, is a key technology in the modern veterinary medicine. The usage of wireless implants has less impact on the behavior of animals than manual measurement methods and cause less disturbance than wired devices. But, common biotelemetry still uses proprietary communication and power concepts focused on small systems with one animal. Therefore, the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg is developing a low-cost RFID system called muTrans1, which is able to measure ECG, pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and activity. The muTrans uses an own RFID sensor transponder and standardized commercial components and combines them to a scalable RFID system able to build-up RFID sensor networks with a nearly unlimited size.