Synchronization and multi-frequency oscillations in the low-dimensional chain of the self-oscillators
Conference: NDES 2012 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
07/11/2012 - 07/13/2012 at Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Proceedings: NDES 2012
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Kuznetsov, A. P.; Sataev, I. R.; Turukina, L. V. (Kotel'nikov's Institute of Radio-Engineering, and Electronics of RAS, Saratov Branch, Zelyenaya 38, Saratov, 410019, Russian Federation)
The problem of the dynamics of the coupled phase oscillators as the number of oscillators in the chain increases is considered. The organization of the parameter space is discussed. The regions of complete synchronization, quasi-periodic regimes of different dimensions and chaos are identified. We discuss transformation of the domains of different dynamics as the number of oscillators grows. Features of the transition from the phase model to the original system are discussed for the case of coupled van der Pol oscillators. Keywords: synchronization, phase oscillators, quasi-periodic dynamics, chaos.