An Android Robot Head as Embodied Conversational Agent

Conference: ISR Europe 2023 - 56th International Symposium on Robotics
09/26/2023 - 09/27/2023 at Stuttgart, Germany

Proceedings: ISR Europe 2023

Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF

Heisler, Marcel; Becker-Asano, Christian (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart, Germany)

This paper describes, how current Machine Learning (ML) techniques combined with simple rule-based animation routines make an android robot head an embodied conversational agent with ChatGPT as its core component. The android robot head is described, technical details are given of how various animations of different kinds are integrated, and general software design decisions are presented. A public presentation of the system revealed improvement opportunities that are reported and that lead our iterative implementation approach.