Development of a process technology for the local generation of high temperatures in monocrystalline silicon

Conference: MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023 - Kongress
10/23/2023 - 10/25/2023 at Dresden, Deutschland

Proceedings: MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

Mueller, Michel; Grueger, Heinrich; Grasshoff, Thomas; Owe, Wolf-Dietrich (Fraunhofer-Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme IPMS, Dresden, Germany)

Fraunhofer IPMS has developed a concept and a MEMS process technology for local generation of high temperatures by a monolithic silicon heater. The device concept developed is based on free-standing heating meanders. Suspensions con-nect the heating meander mechanically and electrically with the surrounding silicon chip frame and serve for the thermal insulation of the heater. The technology concept has been demonstrated by development and fabrication of IR-radiation emitters. In order to achieve a high efficiency of the IR emitters, i.e. a high radiation output in relation to the electrical heating power, specific emission structures were developed. The emitter structures consist of an array of deeply etched holes in the heating meander.