Convergent Platform for Ubiquitous Multimedia Service Execution

Conference: EURESCOM Summit 2005 - Ubiquitous Services and Applications - Exploiting the Potential
04/27/2005 - 04/29/2005 at Heidelberg, Germany

Proceedings: EURESCOM Summit 2005 - Ubiquitous Services and Applications

Pages: 9Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Bustos Pérez, Eduardo J.; Fuente Gallego, Eduardo S. de la; Velasco Benito, Daniel; Martín Peinado, José Luis (Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo SAU, Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain)
Demestichas, Panagiotis; Dimitrakopoulos, George (University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC), Athens, Greece)

This paper explores the idea of implementing an open and distributed platform that allows an effective framework for easy development, deployment and integration of innovative multimedia services in the Internet (audio, video, gaming, etc.) with traditional services coming from the world of mobile telecommunications. Multimedia interactions and call control logic will be decoupled by using specialised application servers (J2EE and JAIN SLEE) working together in a coordinated way. SIP and the Internet protocols will be at the heart of the system, enabling to build ubiquitous multimedia services that can be accessed through a variety of appliances, including, PDAs, mobile phones and digital TV set-top-boxes, and a diversity of 3G/4G networks by means of the appropriate media gateways.