IFDMA - A Promising Multiple Access Scheme for Future Mobile Radio Systems

Conference: PIMRC 2005 - 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
09/11/2005 - 09/14/2005 at Berlin, Germany

Proceedings: PIMRC 2005

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Frank, Tobias; Klein, Anja (Darmstadt University of Technology, Comm. Eng. Lab, Merckstr. 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany)
Costa, Elena; Schulz, Egon (Siemens AG, St.-Martin-Straße 76, 81541 München, Germany)

The Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple Access (IFDMA) scheme is based on compression, repetition and subsequent user dependent frequency shift of a modulated signal. Multiple access is enabled by the assignment of overlapping but mutually orthogonal subcarriers to each user. In this paper it is shown that IFDMA can be regarded as unitary precoded OFDMA with interleaved subcarriers. On the other hand, IFDMA is shown to be a CDMA variant with frequency domain orthogonal signature sequences and chip interleaving. Thus, it combines the advantages of single and multi carrier transmission such as low peak to average power ratio, orthogonality of the signals of different users even for transmission over a time dispersive channel and low complexity. Simulation results show the good performance of coded IFDMA transmission over a mobile radio channel for different data rates.