Laser machining of thin films on top of flexible substrate carriers

Conference: Smart Systems Integration 2008 - 2nd European Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MOMS, MOEMS, ICS and Electronic Components
04/09/2008 - 04/10/2008 at Barcelona, Spain

Proceedings: Smart Systems Integration 2008

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Petsch, Tino; Hänel, Jens; Keiper, Bernd; Bleul, Karsten (D-Micromac AG, Chemnitz, Germany)

The steady growing demand for high yield and mass production of flexible electronic devices require new production processes. These flexible electronic devices expand more and more into everyday life. Therefore new developments for industrial systems with high throughput need to be combined with extreme low manufacturing costs. 3D-Micromac AG has developed a Roll-to-Roll laser system which meets the demands of the aforementioned goals. With this new system an on-the-fly processing of flexible substrates is enabled by the integration of a laser source into a Roll-to-Roll tool. So a very precise laser processing works simultaneous to the continuously winding task.