Development and Characterization of Platinum Thin Films for Gas Analysis Microsystem
Conference: Smart Systems Integration 2008 - 2nd European Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MOMS, MOEMS, ICS and Electronic Components
04/09/2008 - 04/10/2008 at Barcelona, Spain
Proceedings: Smart Systems Integration 2008
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Dow, Ali Badar Alamin; Sklorz, Adam; Benecke, Wolfgang; Lang, Walter (Institute for Microsensors, actuators and systems, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany)
Metalic thin films are required in many microelectromechanical systems which designed to operate at very high temperature and in harsh environment. In gas analysis microsystem, platinum thin films are used for both heating and temperature sensing due to ease of deposition, high melting temperature and resistance aganist oxidation. The main purpose of this work is to extend the stable operating temperature range of platinum heater, the reliability and linearity of the resistance over voltage changing.