Optimization Placement APF based on Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
Conference: UPEC 2011 - 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference
09/05/2011 - 09/08/2011 at Soest, Germany
Proceedings: UPEC 2011
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Dehghan, Nematollah (Islamic Azad University-Bushehr Branch, Iran)
Ziari, Iman (Islamic Azad University-Damavand, Iran)
Active power filter (APF) is one of the most useful device to improve harmonic tension in a modern electrical distribution system. Bacterial-foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) attempts to model the individual and group behavior of 'E.Coli' bacteria as a distributed optimization process. Since its inception, BFOA has been finding many important applications in real-world optimization problems from diverse domains of science and engineering. The propose BF technique is compared with the genetic algorithm (GA) and found to converge faster than GA to reach the global optimum solution. In order to evaluate the proposed method, a sample system is used and the optimal locations for APFs, their injecting currents and number as well as maximum THD are determined. The obtained results also show the applicability of the algorithm. Additionally, the enhanced BFA is capable of finding the global optimum without getting trapped in local minimum.