Research on the Method of Testing the Impact Resistance of Industrial Ceramic Tiles

Conference: MEMAT 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Technology
01/07/2022 - 01/09/2022 at Guilin, China

Proceedings: MEMAT 2022

Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF

Tian, Tao; Dang, Haibo; Wang, Chen; Jia, Jingyuan (China Building Material Test & Certification Group (Shaanxi) Co. Ltd, xi, an, Shaanxi, China,)

In the production and manufacture of ceramic tiles, the use of different chemical glazes and process methods will have a direct impact on the surface properties of the ceramic tile products. When a heavy object falls on the surface of the ceramic tile, it is likely to have relatively large defects, which will affect the appearance of the product. And performance. This article explores the differences in product testing methods through the problems found in the process of ceramic tile impact resistance testing, including experimental consumables and experimental methods. Each factor that affects the accuracy of the test results should be fully considered during the experiment.