Pedestrian Crossing Light Assistance System

Conference: EEI 2022 - 4th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Informatics
06/24/2022 - 06/26/2022 at Guiyang, China

Proceedings: EEI 2022

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

Sui, Tang (College of Surveying and Geo-informatics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China)

The safety of pedestrians in the remote region during the night is a popular question. Recent solutions focus on installing street lamps and traffic lights. However, these solutions may be restricted by urban and rural planning, laying cables, and energy waste. We aim to design a system that is easy to be installed and portable, and energy-friendly. The system consists of the hardcore part and the softcore part. The hardcore part can capture the thermal image of the environment and send the real-time image to the softcore part, the softcore part processes the image, detect the pedestrian and calculate the position. Then softcore part sends a signal to the hardcore part and the hardcore part can project the pedestrian and follow its moving until the pedestrian already crossed the crossing. The softcore has been tested on real-world scenes and shows the effectiveness of the simple blob detector. Finally, this device is easy to be installed and removed, and it can absorb solar energy and the light system can hibernate when there is no pedestrian, so it can save energy.