Combination weighted TOPSIS based Evaluation model construction of semi-physical virtual training System

Conference: ISCTT 2022 - 7th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technology and Transportation
05/27/2022 - 05/29/2022 at Xishuangbanna, China

Proceedings: ISCTT 2022

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

Zhang, Baohua; Wang, Xiaowei (Ordnance NCO Academy, Army Engineering University of PLA, Wuhan, China)

The evaluation problem of semi-physical virtual training system is important. the demand of the architecture of the virtual training system and its functions are analysed, and an evaluation system contained price, accuracy, reliability, maintainability, safety, and usability is established. AHP and EWM combination weighting method is used to get the weight of each index matrix. The candidate products are evaluated by TOPSIS, and the results obtained by this method are consistent with the expert-experience method according to the actual case calculation.