Research on a field road network generation algorithm

Conference: ISCTT 2022 - 7th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technology and Transportation
05/27/2022 - 05/29/2022 at Xishuangbanna, China

Proceedings: ISCTT 2022

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

Sun, Yong; Zhao, Jinqing; Lu, Guangzhao; Yang, Weiqing; Wang, Di; Zhang, Shaopan; Wei, Lan; Li, Yang (China Research and Development Academy of Machinery Equipment, Beijing, China)

This paper proposes a field road network generation algorithm, which is composed of road extraction algorithm and field road network topology generation algorithm. The road extraction algorithm includes the description of road network elements, the construction of road network topology, multi criteria network topology and so on. The field road network topology generation algorithm includes the description of field road network relationship data and road network fusion based on scattering construction method. Combined with the actual project, it has achieved good results.