Power Loss Calculation Tool for N-level Half-bridge Sub-module Modular Multilevel Converter used for Offshore Wind Energy

Conference: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/09/2023 - 05/11/2023 at Nürnberg, Germany


Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2023

Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF

Wang, Kesheng; Laird, Ian; Barton, David; Jahdi, Saeed (School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Maths (SCEEM), The University of Bristol, UK)

This paper presents a power loss calculation tool for a half-bridge sub-module (HBSM) modular multi-level converter (MMC). The tool can calculate both conduction and switching losses for an N-level HBSM-MMC for a range of user specifications. A semi-analytic approach is used to estimate the steady-state behaviour to accelerate the calculations. The speed and accuracy of this tool enables holistic design optimisation of the MMC. The tool’s performance is verified using a detailed PLECS model of the converter and the error rate for both conduction and switching loss is within 5%.