The Impact of Different Test Methodologies on Short-Circuit Ruggedness of SiC MOSFETs

Conference: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/09/2023 - 05/11/2023 at Nürnberg, Germany


Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2023

Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF

Kochoska, Sara; Richert, Lukas (onsemi, Germany)
Roig Guitart, Jaume; Vlachakis, Basil (onsemi, Belgium)

This paper presents experimental results on 750 V and 1200 V SiC MOSFETs stressed under short-circuit (SC) type I conditions using two different test methods: incremental SC pulses until failure and a single SC pulse to failure. These two methods result in different values for short-circuit withstand time (tSCWT). TCAD simulations confirm that, depending on technology and test conditions, turn-off energy and device degradation are the main causes for the measured tSCWT difference. Moreover, tSCWT is also dependent on device-to-device threshold voltage (Vth) variations, the external gate resistance (RG), and the power loop stray inductance (Lstray). The disparity between tSCWT when extracted according to either the AQG 324 or JEDEC 24-9 standards is also thoroughly discussed.