Method of avoiding plastic IGBT module’s torque loss in harsh application environment

Conference: PCIM Asia 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
08/29/2023 - 08/31/2023 at Shanghai, China


Proceedings: PCIM Asia 2023

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

Cao, Shuai; Chen, Chao; Rong, Rui; Zhang, Tao; Miao, Shuo (Macmic Science & Technology Co. Ltd., China)

This paper carried out environmental experiments that simulate the practical application of plastic housing modules, such as high-temperature storage, temperature cycling, vibration, etc. These experiments show the loss of torque after installation of the plastic housing IGBT module. Using the Norris-Landzberg model simultaneously, it can be inferred that the installation will fail after 52,560 cycles. To solve this issue, the plastic modules with drop-resistant screws or add thread glue can be well installed. Through the thermal resistance test, it is concluded that the torque loss of the drop-resistant screw affects the thermal resistance of the module by about 2%. Therefore, in order to simplify production, the use of drop-resistant screws allows the module to be used in harsh environments.