Co-Design of Automotive Boardnet Topology and Architecture

Conference: DVCon Europe 2023 - Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition Europe
11/14/2023 - 11/15/2023 at Munich, Germany

Proceedings: DVCon Europe 2023

Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF

Post, Sebastian; Grimm, Christoph (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Chair of Cyber-Physical Systems, Germany)

With the growing number of autonomous driving functions, the development and definition of the boardnet have become a challenge. There is a variety of options, from completely centralized to zonal and domain architectures with different topologies. Optimizations of the architecture and topology have to consider the mechanical design and the performance parameters of the boardnet architecture. In the paper, we describe an approach that allows the OEM to evaluate different architectures regarding their key performances and constraints in a very early stage of development, where the mechanical 3D models are not yet finally defined.We in particular propose the use of a SysML v2 ecosystem in combination with a constraint solver.