Contactless FMCW Radar-Based Health Monitoring Using Continuous Wavelet Transform and Machine Learning

Conference: European Wireless 2023 - 28th European Wireless Conference
10/02/2023 - 10/04/2023 at Rome, Italy

Proceedings: European Wireless 2023

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

Seguel, Fabian; Salihu, Driton; Xiong, Mengchen; Steinbach, Eckehard (Technical University of Munich, School of Computation, Information and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Chair of Media Technology, Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI), München, Germany)

The rapid growth of the world’s elderly population coupled with health issues has led to a high demand for robust health monitoring solutions. Frequency-modulated continuous waveform (FMCW) radars have attracted attention due to their capabilities for contactless monitoring of relevant health parameters.Nonetheless, to date, there are not many methods for extracting respiratory and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals from single-input-single-output (SISO) FMCW radars. This paper proposes a method based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and machine learning (ML) to extract respiratory and ECG signals from a SISO-FMCW radar located under a hospital bed. Respiratory and ECG signals are separated by using the wavelet thresholding method. Once both signals are clearly identified, supervised models are trained to provide fine grained ECG and respiratory information. We achieve an average error of less than 2 beats per minute (BPM) in heart rate monitoring when combining biorthogonal CWT with long short-term memory (LSTM) networks.