Cover DIN IEC/TS 62600-1 VDE V 0125-1:2013-08

DIN IEC/TS 62600-1 VDE V 0125-1:2013-08

Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters

Part 1: Terminology – Text in German and Englisch

(IEC/TS 62600-1:2011);
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2013-08
VDE Art. No.: 0100175

Contents (only German)

This Technical Specification has been developed as a tool for the international marine energy community, to assist in creating clarity and understanding. The wave, tidal and water current energy industry has recently experienced a period of rapid growth and sector development. With this expansion, it became apparent that a glossary of terms for the sector was required. The aim of this Technical Specification is to present clear and consistent language that will Aid the development of programs, projects, and future standards.