Cover DIN EN 61373 VDE 0115-106 Berichtigung 1:2018-01

DIN EN 61373 VDE 0115-106 Berichtigung 1:2018-01

Railway applications

Rolling stock equipment – Shock and vibration tests

(IEC 61373:2010/COR1:2011); German version EN 61373:2010/AC:2017-09
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2018-01
VDE Art. No.: 0100431

This International Standard specifies the requirements for testing items of equipment intended for use on railway vehicles which are subsequently subjected to vibrations and shock owing to the nature of railway operational environment. To gain assurance that the quality of the item is acceptable, it has to withstand tests of reasonable duration that simulate the service conditions seen throughout its expected life. The corrigendum corrects errors in clause 3.2 Gaussian distribution and in clause 6.5 Measuring tolerances.