Cover DIN EN 50223 VDE 0147-103:2010-10

DIN EN 50223 VDE 0147-103:2010-10

Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable flock material

Safety requirements;

German version EN 50223:2010
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2010-10
VDE Art. No.: 0147013

This European Standard specifies requirements for automatic electrostatic flock application equipment which is designed for applying ignitable flock which may form explosive atmospheres in the flock application area. In this context a distinction is made between flock application devices which due to their type of construction comply with the requirements as laid down in EN 50050 as applicable, and those for which higher discharge energies are stipulated.


DIN EN 50223 VDE 0147-103:2015-09

Stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable flock material

Safety requirements;

110.24 € 
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