Cover DIN EN 60851-3 VDE 0474-851-3:2020-10

DIN EN 60851-3 VDE 0474-851-3:2020-10

Winding wires – Test methods

Part 3: Mechanical properties

(IEC 60851-3:2009 + A1:2013 + A2:2019); German version EN 60851-3:2009 + A1:2013 + A2:2019
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2020-10
VDE Art. No.: 0400425

This part of IEC 60851 specifies the following methods of test:
- Test 6: Elongation;
- Test 7: Springiness;
- Test 8: Flexibility and adherence;
- Test 11: Resistance to abrasion;
- Test 18: Heat or solvent bonding.
This standard is an Amendment to clause 5.5 "Adherence test" and 7.3 "Enamelled rectangular wire heat bonding"