Cover DIN EN IEC 61869-11 VDE 0414-9-11 Beiblatt 1:2023-01

DIN EN IEC 61869-11 VDE 0414-9-11 Beiblatt 1:2023-01

Instrument transformers

Part 11: Additional requirements for low-power passive voltage transformers; Supplement 1: Interpretation Sheet 1

(IEC 61869-11:2017/ISH1:2021)
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-01
VDE Art. No.: 0400574

IEC 61869-11 was published in 12-2017 and since then experience with the application of the document has been gained. During this period, it became visible that the type test "Test for impact of electric field from other phases" as required in and outlined in Annex 11A creates ambiguities in the execution of the test and the interpretation of its results.