Cover DIN VDE V 0418-63-8 VDE V 0418-63-8:2023-08

DIN VDE V 0418-63-8 VDE V 0418-63-8:2023-08

Metering equipment and systems

Part 63-8: Smart Meter Gateway – Class definition for TR 03109 according to COSEM

Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2023-08
VDE Art. No.: 0400605

The status of this prestandard is based on the information available in the committees for TR 03109 and PTB A 50.8 as of October 2019.
The preliminary standard is part of the description of the smart meter gateway (SMGW, see specifications of the BSI and the associations) currently in progress. For this purpose, it supplements the definitions provided in the normative documents DIN EN 62056-6-2 [COSEM] and DIN EN 62056-6-1 [OBIS] with those elements that are additionally required from a national perspective.


NEW DIN VDE V 0418-63-8 VDE V 0418-63-8:2025-01

Metering equipment and systems

Part 63-8: Smart Meter Gateway – Class definition for TR 03109 according to COSEM

177.87 € 
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