Cover DIN EN ISO 21909-1 VDE 0492-3-909-1:2023-12

DIN EN ISO 21909-1 VDE 0492-3-909-1:2023-12

Passive neutron dosimetry systems

Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry

(ISO 21909-1:2021); German version EN ISO 21909-1:2023
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-12
VDE Art. No.: 0400627

This standard specifies performance and test requirements for determining the acceptability of neutron dosimetry systems to be used for the measurement of personal dose equivalent, Hp(10), for neutrons ranging in energy from thermal to 20 MeV. The reference radiation fields used for the performance tests are those defined in ISO 8529-1.