Cover DIN EN 60034-18-32 VDE 0530-18-32:2011-06

DIN EN 60034-18-32 VDE 0530-18-32:2011-06

Rotating electrical machines

Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems – Test procedures for form-wound windings – Evaluation by electrical endurance

(IEC 60034-18-32:2010); German version EN 60034-18-32:2010
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2011-06
VDE Art. No.: 0530090

Contents (only German)

This part of IEC 60034-18 describes test procedures for the evaluation of electrical endurance of insulation systems for use in a.c. or d.c. rotating electrical machines using form-wound windings. The test procedures are comparative in nature, such that the performance of a candidate insulation system is compared to that of a reference insulation system with proven service experience. The test procedures are principally directed at the insulation systems in air-cooled machines but may also be used for evaluating parts of the insulation systems in hydrogen cooled machines. Note that the qualification procedures of inverter duty insulation systems for form-wound windings can be found in IEC 60034-18-42.


DIN EN IEC 60034-18-32 VDE 0530-18-32:2024-01

Rotating electrical machines

Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems (Type II) – Electrical endurance qualification procedures for form-wound windings

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