Cover DIN EN IEC 60512-27-200 VDE 0687-512-27-200:2023-07

DIN EN IEC 60512-27-200 VDE 0687-512-27-200:2023-07

Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Tests and measurements

Part 27-200: Additional specifications for signal integrity tests up to 2 000 MHz on IEC 60603-7 series connectors – Tests 27a to 27g

(IEC 60512-27-200:2022); German version EN IEC 60512-27-200:2022
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-07
VDE Art. No.: 0600435

This part of IEC 60512 covers additional, supplemental specifications for signal integrity and transmission performance test methods of IEC 60512-27-100, for connectors using de-embedded crosstalk measurements, which are specified in respective parts of IEC 60603-7 standards for connecting hardware applications up to 2 000 MHz.

Title Format
Kenngrößen für die Automatisierungstechnik
Cichowski, Rolf Rüdiger

Kenngrößen für die Automatisierungstechnik

Normenübersichten, Tabellen und Tipps aus den Bereichen Industrieautomation, Leittechnik, Prozessleittechnik (PLT) und der industriellen Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik (MSR-Technik)
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 101

2018, 264 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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