Cover DIN EN 62841-2-10 VDE 0740-2-10:2018-01

DIN EN 62841-2-10 VDE 0740-2-10:2018-01

Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery – Safety

Part 2-10: Particular requirements for hand-held mixers

(IEC 62841-2-10:2017, modified); German version EN 62841-2-10:2017
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2018-01
VDE Art. No.: 0701115

Contents (only German)

This part of IEC 62841 applies to mixers. Mixers are not considered to be tools with a liquid system. This part of IEC 62841 does not apply to drills and impact drills, even if they can be used as a mixer. Drills and impact drills are covered by IEC 62841-2-1.

This Document is related to the following Topics (in bold):

25.040 Industrial automation systems
25.060 Machine tool systems
25.080 Machine tools
25.100 Cutting tools
25.140 Hand-held tools
25.160 Welding, brazing and soldering
25.180 Industrial furnaces

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