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DIN EN IEC 63203-301-1 VDE 0750-35-301-1:2024-12

Wearable electronic devices and technologies

Part 301-1: Test method of electrochromic films for wearable equipment

(IEC 63203-301-1:2024); German version EN IEC 63203-301-1:2024
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2024-12
VDE Art. No.: 0701534

This part of IEC 63203-301 specifies procedures and definitions for the test method of electrochromic films for wearable equipment. This standard deals with the colour changing range in visible light and the electrochromic properties of transmittance, response time and evaluation method of long term stability.

Title Format
Entwicklung und Herstellung medizinischer Software
Prinz, Thorsten (Hrsg.)

Entwicklung und Herstellung medizinischer Software

Normen in der Medizintechnik
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 171

2017, 219 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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