Cover DIN CLC IEC/TR 61511-4 VDE 0810-4:2021-05

DIN CLC IEC/TR 61511-4 VDE 0810-4:2021-05

Functional safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector

Part 4: Explanation and rationale for changes in IEC 61511-1 from Edition 1 to Edition 2

(IEC/TR 61511-4:2020); German version CLC IEC/TR 61511-4:2020
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2021-05
VDE Art. No.: 0800715

IEC TR 61511-4 was created to explain the rationale leading from Edtion 1 to Editon 2 to a general audience. The report is intended to prevent misunderstandings in the application of the 61511 series. It responds to the prevailing trend of sharing automation systems across multiple safety functions. It also reaffirms the need to design functional safety management instead of focusing on calculations and managing the actual performance of the SIS. For this purpose, the main differences are listed. In addition, typical approaches of the process industry are presented on how to apply the respective clauses.