Cover DIN EN IEC 60794-4-30 VDE 0888-4-30:2022-10

DIN EN IEC 60794-4-30 VDE 0888-4-30:2022-10

Optical fibre cables

Part 4-30: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines – Family specification for optical phase conductor (OPPC) optical cables

(IEC 60794-4-30:2021); German version EN IEC 60794-4-30:2021
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2022-10
VDE Art. No.: 0800802

This part of IEC 60794-4, which is a family specification, specifies the optical fibre, cable elements, cable construction requirements, main requirements for installation and operating conditions, cable design characteristics and test for OPPC (optical phase conductor), used for carrying current as well as communication and data transmission. The corresponding environmental declaration may be built according to IEC TR 62839-1.